Imparting the Blessings of Quran to a Baby – From Before Birth!

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ

I flip the pages of my Quran mus-haf forward, checking with some concern how many total marked portions of each remaining juz are left before I reach my target.

Why, you might wonder?

It was back in April this year that excessive vomiting, dehydration and fatigue made me, for the most part, bed-ridden during the first trimester of my third pregnancy. As a result, I was unable to continue my daily dose of Quran recitation, much to my chagrin and mounting guilt.

It is highly desirable to be in the habit of reciting the Quran aloud daily after Fajr prayer (وَ مَا تَوفِيقى اِلَّا بِاللَّهِ).

This activity has manifold benefits, such as facilitating deep reflection, even though when I started it many years ago, it was intended more as an autonomous effort to improve my mediocre tajweed skills.

Reciting the Quran early in the day gives one a chance to ponder on the Divine verses in complete privacy, when the house is silent and when domestic duties and chores do not need to be done, allowing a person to concentrate fully on Allah’s words at a time of the day when their brain cells are most alert and receptive.

Not to mention, for me, it has proved to be a fool-proof methodology of improving my tajweed skills over time, because the larynx is rested after the night and can be easily pressured and strained to produce the correct pronunciation of each Arabic letter of the Quran (its “makhraj” – مَخرَج) while reciting.

When my first trimester passed this year, and I gradually eased back into “normal” life, الحَمدُ لله, I resumed my daily Quran recitation regimen again – لَا حَولَ وَلَا  قُوَّةَ اِلَّا بِاللَّه. And as I did, I noted down the date of resumption and the place in the Quran from where I was resuming recitation. It was the beginning of Surah Al-Rum, in juz 21.

I was keeping meticulous track because, at this point, my reason for resuming Quran recitation was twofold – it was no longer just to remain connected to the Quran every day, or to be able to go through it a few times a year, or to ponder on its verses in quiet seclusion, or to hone my tajweed skills. Nay, besides all these reasons, there was now another, more binding motive:

I wanted my unborn baby to listen to the entire Quran in its mother’s voice before it came into this world, just as my last two had listened to it.

At several places in the Quran, Allah mentions the creation of a human being in its mother’s womb. In almost all of these verses, He always mentions creating the human ability to hear or listen first, before the rest of the human organs/bodily systems:

إِنَّا خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ أَمْشَاجٍ نَّبْتَلِيهِ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ سَمِيعًا بَصِيرًا

Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so We make him hearing, knowing.” [Quran – 76:2]

وَاللّهُ أَخْرَجَكُم مِّن بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْسَّمْعَ وَالأَبْصَارَ وَالأَفْئِدَةَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ

It is He Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when you knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections; that you may give thanks to Allah.” [Quran – 16:78]

وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ

It is He Who has created for you (the faculties of) hearing, sight, feeling and understanding; little thanks it is you give!” [Quran – 23:78]

 ثُمَّ سَوَّاهُ وَنَفَخَ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِهِ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ

But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding); little thanks do you give!” [Quran – 32:9]

قُلْ هُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَكُمْ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ

It is He Who has created you (and made you grow), and made for you the faculties of hearing, seeing, feeling and understanding: little thanks it is you give.” [Quran – 67:23]

Scientific research has also proven that, during the second trimester of pregnancy, most of the internal organs and systems of a fetus have become fully developed.

Prenatal researchers believe that from at least six months of pregnancy onward the preborn baby is aware of and influenced by what’s going on in the outside world.” (“7 Ways to Bond With Your Pre-born Baby” –

One of the first human anatomical systems to start fully functioning is the auditory (hearing) system, just as Allah mentions in the Quran.

Hence, even before hair grows on their scalps, or they open their eyes to see, these little unborn babies can hear. And what is it that they hear first? The sounds inside the mother’s body, as well as those outside.

The sound that they predominantly hear – most loudly and clearly – until they are born, is their mother’s voice, which reaches them from within the body, the sound waves from her voice traveling to reach the baby’s ears through the amniotic fluid in which it is suspended.

In trying to imagine what a baby experiences when it hears its mother’s voice in the womb, I recalled how, when we used to swim in a pool as children, once my brother and I tried to test if we could hear each other underwater. We could.

It is true that sound travels faster under water and can be easily heard. The greatest difference between hearing something in open air and hearing it underwater is that, since the entire body is engulfed in the watery medium, the sound surrounds the hearer from all sides and has a different kind of impact, especially if it originates from a source within the water itself, and not from a source outside.

In fact, another study undertaken by U.S Navy researchers has revealed that underwater, human beings also hear through their bones!

“The study found that humans hear through bone conduction, which bypasses the outer ear and the ossicles of the middle ear.

Instead, sound comes through the mastoid, or the bone you can feel if you put your fingers behind the ear.

By using bone conduction, the human ear can actually receive sounds at frequencies way higher than most people would have expected.”

(Jenifer Goodwin, ‘Underwater, Humans Hear Through Their Bones‘ –

Notwithstanding the fact that scientific studies and their results should be taken with a pinch of salt, the fact remains that if an expectant mother recites the Quran, her unborn baby will hear the divine sound.

And this is no ordinary sound; it is the spoken word (كلام) of Allah, who spoke directly to Prophet Musa. This spoken word has been called a light (نور), guidance (هُدًى), mercy (رَحمَةً) and a means of healing (شفآء), in the Quran itself.

Is there a better sound than the Quran for a baby to hear? Especially during a phase when it has an exclusive, extremely close physical bond with its mother?

So in an era when people are coming up with products that can be taped to a pregnant woman’s abdomen to facilitate early brain development and future intellectual advancement of the baby; and expectant parents are being encouraged to talk directly to their unborn child as much as possible, and to sing nursery rhymes to it; and parents of unborn babies are encouraged to make the latter listen to specific kinds of music, I wanted to write this post to entice and encourage all women to not just learn to recite the Quran aloud to themselves with correct tajweed, but to also make sure that they make their unborn baby listen to it in its entirety – at least once – if and when they get pregnant.

Once the baby is born

Newborns being made to listen to music in a hospital in Slovakia

Its not just during pregnancy that modern-day parents are encouraged to make babies listen to music.

Newborns in some hospitals around the world are made to listen to music from right after birth as a form of “therapy”; a supposed “stimulus” for their brains; even though related research has not concretely proven any direct effect of this activity on the babies’ subsequent intellectual advancement or brain development.

The effect on a child who listened to Quran recitation in the womb

Since I have personally witnessed the effect of fetal Quran melody/recitation on my first two children, I’d like to share here what I have observed over the past 4-6 years, in their behavior towards Allah’s كلام, as well as in their other general, natural inclinations:

  1. An inherent and deep love of listening to the Quran, whenever it is played on tape or recited out loud before them.
  2. An affinity towards trying to recognize Allah and His attributes through questions, observation, curiosity and wonder.
  3. Strong inclination towards performance of salah.
  4. High sense of morality, viz. an acute sense of right and wrong, exhibited primarily by an eagerness to apologize/repent after a transgression.
  5. Inborn modesty in dress, conduct and gaze, e.g. refusal to wear short and skimpy clothing, especially in front of others, from an age as young as 2 years.
  6. Excellent memory.
  7. High level of intelligence.
  8. Creative imagination.
  9. Eloquence; articulate oration.

I know that some of the latter points can be directly attributed to genetics and other factors. However, the fact remains that the Divine words of Allah have their special blessings that yield positive benefits and results even in this world, on both, those who recite them and on those who listen to them.

The mutual exclusivity of music and the Quran

Here, I would like to point out something extremely important.

The reason why I have quoted from and linked to articles in this post that provide references to modern practices that use music as a means of imparting supposed “positive” effects on human babies from their early development in life, is not because I am advocating these activities or approving of them.

Rather, the references were provided as proof of the fact that the spoken word or an audible melody does have an impact on human babies, and hence, I wanted to stress how we, as parents, should ensure that our littles ones get to listen to the Quran as soon as they start to hear.

I know that the topic of music makes many tempers flare. I am therefore not going to initiate a jurisprudential discussion on the evidence of its impermissibility here. I believe that intentional listening to music is prohibited in Islam.

It was narrated that Naafi’ (رَحِمَهُ الله) said: “Ibn ‘Umar heard a woodwind instrument, and he put his fingers in his ears and kept away from that path. He said to me, “O Naafi’, can you hear anything?” I said, “No”. So he took his fingers away from his ears, and said: “I was with the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and he heard something like this, and he did the same thing.””
(Abu Dawud)

Enough said!

However, I must admit that at this point in my life, its not just because of this fundamental reason – of listening to even a flute being impermissible in Islam – that I avoid listening to music. There is a worldly reason for it as well.

That reason is that I have experienced time and again in the past ten years that when I listen to music unintentionally, such as in a public place where it is blaring, my heart starts to almost physically constrict; my soul gets agitated, and I want the “noise” to just go away. This happens whether it is an instrumental melody or a hard rock song; a pop number or a so-called soul-stirring, classical ghazal.

The reason for my aversion towards music – which, I assure you, wasn’t there at all before I studied the Quran in-depth eleven years ago – is that الحَمدُ لله – during these eleven years, I have found something to listen to that is much, much more beautiful, sublime, and powerful in its effect on my heart, mind, body and soul. So much so that any other kind of man-made music or melody sounds no less than absolute crap in comparison. Please excuse the crass-but-emphatic lingo. 🙂

I have noticed that when I do end up listening to music, it produces a decidedly detectable negative effect on my heart. The music tries to nestle into the latter and as a result, endeavors to push out the glorious words of the Quran that reside there.

The fact is: music and the Quran cannot reside together in one heart.

Try to understand this with an analogy: if you won’t get rid of the weeds and parasites in a soil, you will not be able to successfully seed, water and nurture a healthy plant in it; the filth in the soil will counter and negate the positive effects of water and sunlight needed to nourish the tender seedling to make it grow.

Or, if you won’t clean a utensil before eating food from it, no matter how fresh and great-tasting the food that you place in it might be, you will not be able to enjoy eating it because of the filth that still contaminates it.

I have heard many people who come towards Deen complain and lament that, no matter how much they try, they just “cannot” give up music. Also, they complain how, when the Quran is recited before them, they do not feel anything; that is, their hearts do not get aflutter, and their eyes are not moved to emotional tears.

The reason for this is that, as long as they do not give up listening to music, the melodies and words that this music comprises of will continue residing firmly in their hearts, and will prevent the glorious verses of the Quran along with its Divine effects to enter the latter.

That is the precise reason why they do not feel anything in their hearts when they hear the Quran being recited or the beautiful adhaan (call to prayer) sounding five times a day.

When they hear a favorite musical song, though, their ears are enticed, their hearts immediately feel inclined towards it, and they start to not just hum it, but also feel their soul attracted to it. The musical songs reside in their hearts, keep replaying in their minds, and are hummed on their tongues as they go about their daily work.

Eventually, they start to believe that the Islamic restriction of not listening to music is too “harsh” and unobservable; that music is the “food for the soul”; and that they “cannot live without music”.

Fact is, the one who has never ‘tasted’ gourmet food will continue to consider unhealthy junk food as the ultimate gastronomical pleasure!

On the other hand, the humbling and soul-stirring effect of listening to the melodious verses of the Quran, on the hearts, skins, and eyes of sincere believers, has been mentioned in the Quran itself:

اللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحْسَنَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابًا مُّتَشَابِهًا مَّثَانِيَ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُودُ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ثُمَّ تَلِينُ جُلُودُهُمْ وَقُلُوبُهُمْ إِلَى ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ذَلِكَ هُدَى اللَّهِ يَهْدِي بِهِ مَنْ يَشَاء وَمَن يُضْلِلْ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ هَادٍ

Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects); the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah’s praises…” [Quran – 39:23]

أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِم مِّنَ النَّبِيِّينَ مِن ذُرِّيَّةِ آدَمَ وَمِمَّنْ حَمَلْنَا مَعَ نُوحٍ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّةِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْرَائِيلَ وَمِمَّنْ هَدَيْنَا وَاجْتَبَيْنَا إِذَا تُتْلَى عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُ الرَّحْمَن خَرُّوا سُجَّدًا وَبُكِيًّا

Those were some of the prophets on whom Allah did bestow His Grace,- of the posterity of Adam, and of those who We carried (in the Ark) with Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel of those whom We guided and chose.
Whenever the Signs of
(Allah) Most Gracious were rehearsed to them, they would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears.” [Quran – 19:58]

So the choice is yours – if you want your child to reap the benefits of the glorious Quran, the spoken word of Allah, in their adult life, you as their mother, have to start work on your babies early – while they are still in your womb.

I personally know a few smoking women who gave up smoking cigarettes completely whenever they got pregnant, for the sake of their baby’s physical health. Non-Muslim women who drink alcohol also give up drinking during pregnancy as per doctor’s orders, for the same reason.

If these women successfully curtail an otherwise addictive negative habit for the sake of getting worldly benefits for their progeny, why can’t you, O Muslim mother, curtail listening to music and instead, endeavor to recite the entire Quran melodiously, with proper tajweed, to your baby in your own voice during the last 4-5 months of your pregnancy?


An edited version of this blog post appears as a chapter in my 13th book, Into the Qur’an.


  1. Really helpful post Masha Allah :). I completely agree with your point of view regarding music, and although I am trying to give up ALL music (like, trying not to watch movies/shows with soundtracks and all), I also feel the same constriction, and I cannot stand it when a song is being played anywhere. I just have to get up and ask the restaurant people (if they listen) to turn it off (you should look at their expressions), or completely off. Till I read this post, I thought this happened to nobody else.

    Jazakallah Khairan kaseeran for your efforts to attract people towards reflection and recitation of the Quran and I so hope your kids become shining examples of people who have had deen-filled parenting and tarbiyah.

    I make dua’a for you and ask you to remember all your struggling readers in your dua’as.

    • Jazakillahu khair for your sincerity, especially your dua’s, Uni.
      May Allah grant you every kind of good and His choicest blessings, both in this world and the next. Ameen.

  2. I just have to get up and ask the restaurant people (if they listen) to turn it off (you should look at their expressions), or completely off.

    Sorry typo. I meant turn it off or if they stare too incredulously, at least turn it down.

  3. MashAllah lovely post.there’s one thing that I like to imagine time and again..and it feels me with tremendous awe.Just imagine out there in the cosmos where nothing exists except celestial bodies proclaiming Allah Sw Taa’la’s Greatness.It’s a dark silky night..every galactic body is shimmering and the Quran being recited in a loud,beautiful melodious voice..ah..the Beauty of it!

    cAn you pls elaborate the benefits of Quran recitation on babies?

    • Jazakillahu khair for your feedback, Fatima.

      Can you pls elaborate the benefits of Quran recitation on babies?

      I have listed some as a numbered list within this post.

      The greatest benefit of making an unborn baby listen to the Quran is that there is a very high chance that s/he will turn out to be righteous, obedient, humble, easygoing and religiously inclined as a child and as an adult.

      It is a fact that Allah can grant some children special blessings that make them more righteous than their peers, mostly as a worldly reward to their parents for the latter’s piety. That is why, many if not all Prophets were granted pious offspring by Allah, who also became Prophets when they attained maturity.

      Here are 2 consecutive verses from Surah Maryam in the Quran that show how Allah made Prophet Yahya, son of Prophet Zakariyya, pious even during his infancy and childhood:

      يَا يَحْيَى خُذِ الْكِتَابَ بِقُوَّةٍ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْحُكْمَ صَبِيًّا

      “And it was said unto his son: O Yahya! Hold the Scripture. And We gave him wisdom when (he was) a child.” [Quran – 19:12]

      وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

      “And compassion from Our presence, and purity; and he was devout.” [Quran – 19:13]

      Allah knows best.

      • This is not proven from the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
        Anything that is done with the intention of protecting a newborn baby must be done according to the sunnah. There are several masnoon rites that have been authentically proven, which serve this purpose, such as pronouncing the adhan in the newborn’s ear, performing tahneek, doing the aqiqah, giving sadaqah, and blowing the masnoon dua’s for protection over the baby/child, in the morning and at night.
        And Allah knows best.

  4. this was sooo inspirational mashaALLAH! i am expecting also alhamdolillah so this really worked as a motivator! may Allah reward u tremendously for writing such inspiring blogs

  5. Extremely good advice – reading Quran while pregnant – coupled with nonsense rant about music with no Islamic basis.

    If the Prophets (Muhammad and Dawud pbut) had no problem with music, I don’t either. Music is a broad genre and does not just mean Bollywood music or rap.

  6. I completely agree with you dear sister Sadaf, music and Quran simply cannot coexist in one heart. I personally enjoy listening to nasheeds with voice and duff because I have always been musically inclined and only recently have given it up, but nothing moves my heart more the recitation of Quran.

    It does seem like when I’m at a restaurant or other public place, music stands out so much more to me now and like you, I now find it annoying. I try so hard to ignore it, but it intrudes, attempting to wipe the Quran from my heart. It flows through my veins like a poison and gives me strange feelings and brings to mind bad memories.

    But of course, we are all entitled to our own opinion so I’m not condemning anyone who feels that music is permissible. But I feel that you have made quite a reasonable and clear argument. 🙂

  7. aoa. can u please write something on post partum depression and how to cope up with it. i m due shortly iA and thats all people are scaring me about.

    • وعليكم السلام
      I wrote an article (not one from an Islamic point of view, though) about this some years ago. You can read it here.

      I have been through a mild form of PPD with both my children. Basically the mother feels overwhelmed, tired and cranky most of the time, stays mostly at home, and cries at the slightest pretext. I think family support, especially that of the husband, is very important in dealing with PPD. Most women go live at their parents’ home after birth and this creates a little distance from their husbands during the first 1-2 months after the birth.

      I think if the husband offers his full support and care during this period, his wife will be better able to cope with PPD. Also, if there are older children, they should be advised in the months leading up to the birth about what imminent changes are about to occur in their household/family, and coached/trained to help their mother after the baby is born instead of making things difficult for her.

      May Allah make ease for you. Ameen.

  8. assalaamualaikum wa rehamtullah dear sadaf baji
    I’m expecting too alhumdulillah. Found your article very useful and motivating masha’Allah. Hope to keep on reading more advice for expectant mothers on your blog insha’Allah. Hazakumullahu khair for sharing!!

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
      Masha’Allah! Mabrook, may Allah grant you righteous and healthy offspring with safety, ease and well-being. Ameen.

  9. this was such a cute article Sr. Sadaf! It was so beautiful. I had often learned that it’s good for pregnant women to read the Qur’an to their children but the whole thing?? I found it amazing when you said “…I wanted my unborn baby to listen to the entire Quran in its mother’s voice before it came into this world, just as my last two had listened to it…”

    Also, I’m sure the observed benefits that you listed as seen in your other two children will convince other mothers to read the Qur’an to their unborn babies.

    btw, I was thinking that if you had time, can you please write an article teaching girls to be good daughters? Like, not the whole, cliche, “respect your parents” thing, but since your writing is unique AND persuasive, i was thinking if you could somehow write an article teaching young girls how to obey and be kind to their parents from a creative point of view.

    Jazakallah Khair 🙂

    • Jazakillahu khair, Shiney. 🙂

      I was thinking that if you had time, can you please write an article teaching girls to be good daughters? Like, not the whole, cliche, “respect your parents” thing, but since your writing is unique AND persuasive, i was thinking if you could somehow write an article teaching young girls how to obey and be kind to their parents from a creative point of view.

      Insha’Allah I will try to come up with unique ideas for a post on this topic.

  10. Jazakallah Khair 🙂
    Very beneficial article mashallah. However the qualities you said your children display cannot solely be because you read Quran while you were pregnant. I am sure they are there because you did not stop when they were born and continued to make the Quran an integral ingredient of their daily life.
    Subhanallah, hearing is the first faculty that develops and one of the last to leave. It is said that those near death, even in a coma, can hear when people talk to them. May the Words of Allah be our constant companions in this world and in the Hereafter.

  11. What a beautiful post MashaAllah!! As someone who struggles with music I have through “wordly” reasons also learned of it’s ill effects. If you are sad that junk can throw you into full blown depression, rage or a rageful depression!!!Hardly any of it encourages good positive life choices a lot of encourages racism, anger, drugs, sex, vanity, bragging, filth, gangs, cheating, fighting or simple time wasting. This is not to say I’m perfect or completely cured Allah knows best. However I can attest to the fact that when I started trying to listen and apply more Islamic advice and lectures to my life and less music islam became dearer to me and more understood. What a beautiful post may Allah reward you for sharing it ameen!

  12. JAZAKALLAH this site is really really cool. i love to read this post. As it is so much rich in information and very important information. well i might think that those mothers who do Quran recitation during pregnancy is developing a sense of understanding in their children that they are going to be born in Muslim home and belong to a Muslim family. This also give a desire to the child to act more like Muslim and not like any other devil.

  13. MashAllah, what a beautiful post. I really love the way all your posts are written, like a well researched paper, where you use the Quran and it’s interpretation to reach a conclusion. I love what you say about the mutual exclusivity of music and Quran, I think it is one of the things that Muslims often resist giving up when they are working on perfecting their deen. I have listened to several Islamic lectures that talk about the difficulty that the speaker had in giving up music themselves. That sort of candid approach has always worked best for me, but in the end you realize how silly it is to hang on to ‘junk food’ rather than relishing ‘gourmet food’. Great analogy, and sending many du’as your way for the new addition to your family!

  14. Jazakillah. Lovely and very well referenced article. I loved all the Islamic references and I understand why you used the research ones. I understand that the power of Quran lies in your intention while reciting it. Meaning, if you consciously focus on the fact that these are Allah’s words, and that His power is contained in them, and that you can unlock that power with your earnestness while reciting them, then the recitation will have a better effect on your own heart as well as the innocent children (born or unborn) who hear it. Dr. Farhat Hashmi mentioned in one of her lectures about a non Muslim child who had a Muslim nanny. The nanny read Ayat ul Kursi to her every night. When the nanny stopped working for that family, the mother called her up and said, “What did you say to my child to make her sleep? She can’t sleep if she doesn’t hear it.” So it ended up that a non Muslim child grew accustomed to hearing Allah’s words before going to sleep. By mentioning this example I just want to show that a child’s caregivers help form his/her habits. If they form the habit of listening to Quran and make it a normal part of their life when they don’t truly understand it, then they will naturally want to make an effort to understand it when they reach the age where they can choose to do so.

    Point of emphasis: the power of Quran lies in it whether you understand what you are reciting or not, just like the effect of music is in it whether there is any accompanying singing or not. People usually mistake “music not allowed” with the lyrics. It’s not the lyrics, it’s the instrumental sound itself.

  15. Asalamalaikum Sadaf Baji!
    I just checked my gmail account today (which I hardly do) and found that you had forwarded this article. Alhamdulillah.. what better timing could this have come at, than when I am pregnant and expecting my first child. I started reciting the Quran frequently, with proper tajweed, and listening to it ever since I learnt that my baby’s listening skills have developed. I plan on completing the Quran recitation by the end of the 7th month and to start all over for the 8th and 9th month, insha’Allah.
    Alhamdulillah your article has made me even firm in my resolution.
    I am extremely cautious about not listening to music because I’m afraid my baby will hear, not that I do listen to music but I avoid watching commercials because nowadays music is inevitable!
    I hope you continue writing articles about your relations with your children from an Islamic perspective so that us new mothers and mothers-to-be can learn from your experience.
    Jazakillah Khair!

  16. Jazakallah for enlightening us with your insights and genuineness Sadaf, may Allah (swt) bless you and your family ameen.

  17. Asalamu aleikum. I love your posts they are not only enlightening, but also precise and to the point. Masha Allah. I have a question and I hope you can help me answer it. I work as nurse and care for two children with disabilities ages 20 and 17 ( they are both mute, blind and immobile /unresponsive since age 5yrs). The children’s parents are non Muslim and practice Buddhism. I was wondering; (1) is it okay for me to recite the quran to them?, (2) will they understand or know what they hear is the holy quran, (3) is it permissable in islam for me to recite the quran to them without their parents knowledge?.Jazakallah

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Masha’Allah, may Allah reward you for the noble work you are doing. Your comment was saddening for me too, because it made me realize very acutely how many innumerable blessings I take for granted. May Allah forgive me for my ingratitude and frequent cribbing over trivial worldly matters.

      In answer to your questions: (1) Yes it is more than okay for you to recite Quran before these 2 children. Insha’Allah it will be a source of solace, tranquility and cure for them. (2) They might not know that it is the Quran per se, but their souls will definitely find the recitation attractive and soothing, because every human soul has an innate connection with their Creator, and the spoken word of that Creator directly touches the hearts, especially hearts of children, which are not diseased. (3) It is advisable to use caution and discretion when reciting Quran in front of these children. Legally, it is permissible in Islam for you to recite Quran to these children without the parents’ knowledge.

      Allah knows best.

  18. Asalamualykum Sister ! I am going thru my first pregnancy and was very concerned about my baby’s nature… I thought I have sinned my whole life… i couldnt spend my life the way Allah swt wanted… atleast i can impart something good in my baby.. I asked one of my friends and she shared this link with me… Subhan Allah what a guide ! I m so motivated… JzakiLLAH Sister ❤
    I need to ask u something… i m having some problem regarding this stuff… like i am alone here in Jeddah… whole day when m alone… when i get free from all stuff i feel inclined to watch comedy stuff… like watching animated movies and cartoons or links on youtube…. sometimes there is musical pinch in it.. sometimes other stuff… i feel threatened about my baby's hearing abt it too..
    i dunno i feel like leaving it all but then i get so bored at times that i cant resist it one way or other…Can ya tell me is it really gonna harm my baby in a sense that will affect his goodness in nature?
    I really want my baby to get more inclined towards Deen… I keep listening to different QIrats and Nasheeds through out the day and also recite Quran. Suggest me something more…i am way too conscious 😦 or probably nervous cux its the first time.
    Duas for you !!

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
      Jazakillahu khair for your comment, Uzma. Congratulations on your pregnancy. May Allah grant you a pious, healthy and beautiful baby who becomes a source of good for you in both Duniya and Akhirah. Ameen.
      I would advise you to avoid watching anything that classifies as لغو in Islam (لغو encompasses all those things that do not get any reward in the Akhirah, nor the pleasure of Allah). Comedy programs as well as cartoons fall into that category, I am afraid. That being said, stay-at-home wives and mothers need alternative options to keep themselves occupied and productively busy, so that their time is utilized beneficially and they can thus automatically avoid such لغو activities. So in addition to listening to a lot of Quran recitation (I would recommend not even listening to nasheeds, but just Quran), please enroll in an online course to gain knowledge. If you have a computer and an Internet connection, insha’Allah you can become a student of knowledge from home.
      Here are a couple of options for Islamic courses:
      May Allah guide us all to do that which gets us His pleasure.

  19. Well a friend of mine is in contact with many religious sisters mashAllah. And she has told me abt kids of these sisters. A sister who taught Quran throughout her pregnancy, her son now leaves everything whenever he gets the sound of tilawat n enjoys the Quran with peace n interest. Another sister who used to read to her daughter whatver she herself was reading, her daughter now knows a lot abt Islam n questions everything she comes across. She specifically asks for translation n tafseer of ayahs.

    I hv started learning tajweed during my pregnancy, May Allah bless me with a pious child who s interested in Quran the way its recommended. Ameen

  20. your Article is very informative and beautiful…however i researched a lot and found Music is not highly recommended but its not haram in Islam….

  21. very informative lecture jazak Allah khair. i want some guidance me 35years old unmarried girl. Sometimes feels depression for my life. I m educated currently doing MEd. How can I control this problem. Plz help me.Allah gives u success of dunia And Akhrat.

  22. Hi my name is maryam and it been its been a year and half after my missarriage and now I’m not getting pregnant….. can you tell me what should I read

    • السلام عليكم Maryam. You can recite the following dua’s from the Quran:

      رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِي فَرْدًا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الْوَارِثِينَ


      رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِن لَّدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ الدُّعَاء

      May Allah quickly grant you pious offspring with ease and wellbeing. Ameen.

  23. Salam
    Dear sis sadaf!!!
    I m really very glad i found n read ur article… N thts wt i hav been searching for … I totally agree with u… I wana keep my baby away from the fitna of dunya… I want him to be close to Allah n his deen… I read a novel also related to pregnancy n th power of quran named mashaf… It was told in there tht a baby can actually recall certain words of quran tht the mother recites daily… Or more oftenly… Is it true??? Hv u experienced any such thing???

  24. I don’t normally find long articles interesting however, mashaAllah! , this was so touching. I personally stopped listenimg to music once i found out why it was wrong. Previously all I was told is that it was haram. Never did i know why. Besides that i rarely practiced Islam so even if told I’d probably reject it. Recently i have been trying to convince my muslim friends to stop also however all of them use different excuses. JazakumuAllah khair for this well written article, now i have more convincing proofs towards my point.

  25. Masha Allah! What an excellent article. May Allah reward you. Ameen 🙂
    Jazakallah Khair! No words……absolutely interesting!!! Masha allah!

  26. AssalamuAlaikum Sr. Sadaf…this was an amazing article mashaAllah…unfortunately I feel I have come across it too late. Alhamdulillah my beautiful daughter Shifaa is 2 months old now and I did not recite the Quran with any consistency during my pregnancy. What can I do to remedy that in order to benefit my baby? JazakAllah khair in advance.

    • Wa alaikumus salam Hina,
      No worries. Allah will appreciate your regrets at the opportunities bygone, and will compensate you with better, insha’Allah. 🙂
      Play Quran recitation around the baby as much as possible. Stick to one qari (reciter), and you will see her grow up with a love for that particular recitation.
      Also, recite the Quran aloud around your daughter yourself, at least once a day.
      May Allah bless and accept your efforts. Ameen.

      • Assalam alaek mrs Sadaf, this is one of best post I have ever come across in my life. May Allah reward u for dis. Please my wife is three half month pregnant now and she doesn’t know how to recite the holy quran. What do I do?

  27. Assalamualaikum sr Sadaf,
    I’ve been reading this same article over and over. I’ve been reciting Quran daily from the moment I know that I’m pregnant. Alhamdulillah with this great blessing from Allah swt.

    May you be rewarded with our your good writings.

  28. Aasalaam alai kum Dear Sadaf sis,after1miscarriage& 4years of my married life Alhumduillah now im pregnant ,19 of October 2013 I have to go for ultrasound to check fetal heart.pls tell me what should I recite for fetal heart & for healthy baby?pls help me ,I have started reciting SURAH BAQARAH .pls advise what should I recite for my healthy pregnancy & fetal heart?? pls pls help me

    • Wa alaikumus salam Mrs Baig,

      Congratulations on the pregnancy, sister. May Allah grant you a pious, healthy and beautiful child with ease and well-being. Ameen.

      Please don’t worry, insha’Allah the Magnificent Creator will enable you to carry this pregnancy to full term. It is my sincere du’a for you. 🙂

      Yes, reciting Surah Al-Baqarah is correct, especially the last part of it, which chases away the devils from the jinn. Aside from that, recite Surah Al-Fatihah and the last 2 surah’s of the Quran and blow them on yourself and on a glass of drinking water, then drink that water. Drink a bit of Zamzam water every day, if you have any, with the intention of curing any illness inside your or your developing baby’s body, because Zamzam water is medicine for diseases, and it achieves the purpose for which it is drunk. Recite the Ayah Al-Kursi on yourself after every obligatory prayer as well. And in general recite a portion of the Quran every day, aloud.

      Allah knows best.

      May Allah cool your eyes through the blessing of a pious and beautiful child. Ameen. 🙂

  29. Assamualaikum Sis!
    Thank you very much for your post, it was very useful.
    I have recently reverted to Islam. As of now I do not know how to recite The noble Quran. Can u advise me with any good site to learn arabic & to learn how to recite The noble Quran online?
    After three and half year of marriage life and after little troubles in life, I am pregnant now with Allah’s blessings Alhamdulilla!
    My first search for my baby in the internet was amazing, Allah showed your post & I very glad for that. Allah knows the best ! I have nil knowledge about how to recite The noble Quran. I need to learn the same as soon as possible so that I can myself teach my child. Once again thank you for your post. May Allah bless you all good in life.Ameen. Remember us in your Duas.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
      Mabrook, mabrook, mabrook! Congratulations, my dear sister, on your reversion to Islam! May Allah grant you steadfastness and higher levels of faith. Ameen.
      Even if you do not know how to recite the Quran yet, you can make your unborn baby listen to Quran recitation by qualified reciters. Alhamdulillah, that there are so many of them readily available online.
      You can also use the following online resources to learn how to recite the Quran online:
      In the above two links, the reciter goes slowly. You will have to repeat after him.
      However, you will need to first start with the Arabic alphabet, the sounds of individual letters, the sounds produced when there are consonants on these letters, and how these letters sound when joined together. For that, you will need to go through what is known as ‘the qa’idah‘. Please refer to this great resource:
      Please note, learning how to recite the Quran from scratch is an extremely reward-worthy path of knowledge, which takes time, patience, and steadfastness to complete.
      Please take your journey of knowledge slow and steady, sister, because you are going to be rewarded for every letter that you struggle with, and every obstacle/challenge that you encounter, insha’Allah! Just don’t get disheartened if/when it all seems too overwhelming.
      Keep going in small baby steps, and Allah will continue to pave the way for you, gradually and steadily. Keep praying to Allah to make the path of seeking knowledhe of the Quran easy for you, and He will, insha’Allah!
      Lots of love and prayers your way. ❤

  30. Its a established to teach how to recite Qur’an with very skilled Qa’ri’s according to Tajweed rules. For USA and UK residents at affordable fee.

  31. Assalamu’alaikum sister,

    I am 3 month pregnant Alhamdullillah and I just wanted to know that is it necessary to recite the qur’an in loud voice for my baby to hear it???

    I live in a joint family and my brother in law also lives together,so I cannot recite the qur’an in loud voice.

    Please advise


    May Allah reward you

    • عليكم السلام ورحمة الله
      Congratulations on your pregnancy, sister Nuzhat. I ask Allah to grant you a pious, beautiful, and healthy offspring. Ameen.

      You could recite the Quran after your brother-in-law leaves the house for any purpose. Even ten to fifteen minutes a day will be effective insha’Allah. You could also recite it in a voice that is just loud enough for you to hear only (trust me, your baby will hear it!).

      Hope this helps you out. 🙂

  32. BaarakAllahu feeki ❤️ This has been an excellent read! May Allah reward you in full. I can’t wait to recite Qur’an during my pregnancy InShaaAllah 🙂

  33. Aslaamualaimum

    Best thing I have read as I was curious and decided to Google the Quran and the Baby bump.

    Subhan’ ALLAH

    May ALLAH set reward you for encouraging others to also do the same.

    Alhamdulillah I regularly began reciting out loud and I feel there is nothing better than the Quranic recitation for your unborn.

    I feel that it is better than talking etc as encouraged by our midwives.

    May ALLAH set give us all the Tawfeeq to follow the footsteps of the Pious Noble ladies.

    Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jeelani r.a beloved mother had memorised the first 14 chapters of the Holy Quran and used to regularly recite. When her blessed child was born he also upon entering the madras ah had already memorised rhe first 14 chapters of the Holy Quran.

    ALLAH swt protect us all Ameen

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